2015年12月9日 星期三

QLIKVIEW 12 版本上架囉! 12-08


QlikView 12 ReleaseFor just a few hours now, QlikView 12, the latest version of one of the world’s leading Business Intelligence platforms, has been available on the market. Besides several innovations familiar from the beta version, the software now offers additional interesting functions.
Around two months after ending the beta test phase, Qlik has published the latest release of its proven analysis solution, QlikView 12. Even before the official release, users were able to get a first glance at several of the new features and extensions. The new features include the improved QIX Engine, extended touch functions, and a new online help portal including context-sensitive help pages to provide support during product use. Furthermore, the beta version already included optimisations pertaining to the security of external interfaces.

如果已經安裝了11.2 的Desktop 版本 需移除再裝QlikView 12
而且有超讚的介紹可以滙入一些外部資料及JSON ,不用再像以前要寫語法了..果然愈來愈合適大資料Big Data 的分析世界